211 Day at the Texas Capitol on February 11, 2025


211 Day at the Texas Capitol

Join United Ways of Texas, TexProtects, Feeding Texas, and other organizations at the Texas Capitol on February 11, 2025, for 211 Day at the Texas Capitol, a powerful event dedicated to advocating for increased investments in and improvements to 211 Texas—our statewide information and referral system—that connects communities to the information, resources, and services they need to thrive, including public benefits.

We invite all 211 staff, nonprofit board members, and all supporters of this vital resource to attend this FREE event as we come together to champion for enhanced operations and increased innovation. Let’s unite to strengthen the network that connects Texans in need to essential resources, making our state stronger and more resilient. 

This event is sponsored by the United Way of San Antonio & Bexar County and United Way for Greater Austin.


9 am - Breakfast Briefing for Legislative Staffers (invite only)
Capitol Grill, E1.002

10:15 am - Check-in/Registration for Advocates
Capitol Grill, E1.002

10:30 am to 3 pm - Legislative Visits with Elected Officials or Staff
Texas Capitol Legislative Offices



I do hereby agree and consent as follows. 

A. I consent and authorize United Ways of Texas, to use my likeness in any photograph, video or other digital media (“Photos”) taken or to be taken on February 26, 2025 during United Ways of Texas & Texas Nonprofit Strong Day at the Capitol, in any and all of its publications, including print or web-based publications. 

B. I irrevocably authorize United Ways of Texas to copy, edit, enhance, crop, or otherwise alter any Photo for use in their publications. I also waive any rights for approval or inspection of any Photos. 

C. I understand and agree that all Photos are the property of United Ways of Texas, and will not be returned to me.

D. I acknowledge that I am not entitled to any compensation or royalties with respect to the use of the Photos.

E. I agree to release and forever discharge United Ways of Texas and its affiliates, successors and assigns, officers, employees, representatives, partners, agents and anyone claiming through them, in their individual and/or corporate capacities from any and all claims, liabilities, obligations, promises, agreements, disputes, demands, damages, causes of action of any nature or kind, known or unknown, which I, and anyone claiming on behalf of me, may have or claim to have against Releasee in connection with this Release.

F. I have carefully read and fully understand all the provisions of this Photo Release Form and am freely, knowingly and voluntarily signing.